5 Herbal Teas for Weight Loss

Since the beginning of my career as a personal fitness coach, I’ve always preferred Herbal teas for a myriad of health benefits. I’ve seen them used to boost immunity and promote relaxation. But as I’ve progressed in my work, I’ve witnessed that one of the increasingly popular benefits of herbal teas is their potential to aid in weight loss. 


In a country like Bangladesh, where herbal remedies have a great value and cultural presence, using specific herbal teas for a daily routine can be a natural and effective way to support weight loss efforts. 

Here, I, NJ, will discuss five herbal teas that will benefit in weight loss and provide insights for individuals looking to manage their weight naturally.


Green Tea: 

Known for its antioxidant properties, Green tea has been a staple in Asian cultures for centuries. Green tea contains catechins that help to boost metabolism and increase fat burning.


The catechins in green tea assist in increasing the heat produced by our bodies, which in turn helps burn more calories. Also, green tea’s caffeine is a natural stimulant, enhancing physical performance and aiding in fat oxidation.

I prefer incorporating green tea into my daily diet. I go for two to three cups a day, preferably before meals. This aids in digestion and increases my metabolism rate. 


Green tea can be enjoyed hot or cold. You can also add a slice of lemon to enhance its flavor and health benefits via vitamins. 


Summary: Green tea, rich in antioxidants and catechins, boosts metabolism, increases fat burning, and enhances physical performance. Incorporating two to three cups daily, preferably before meals, can aid digestion and increase metabolism, with added lemon enhancing its flavor and benefits.

Ginger Tea:

Ginger, a common ingredient for us locals, is well-known for its digestive properties. It’s a fiery herb that lends itself well to making a delicious herbal tea. Its refreshing, warming flavor is a great complement to other herbs. It is made from fresh or dried ginger root, which not only makes it a soothing beverage but also a potent aid for weight loss.


Ginger enhances the regulation of blood sugar levels. This prevents hunger cravings. It can increase the levels of HDL cholesterol in our body– the ‘good’ cholesterol that reduces the risk of heart disease. 

It also boosts digestion and helps in the proper breakdown of food. Not to forget the thermogenic properties of ginger that enhance the body’s ability to burn fat.


One way I prepare ginger tea is by simmering fresh ginger slices in water for around 10 minutes. I add a teaspoon of honey that sweetens the tea while providing extra health benefits. I drink ginger tea before meals so that I can control my appetite and improve digestion.


Summary: Ginger tea, made from fresh or dried ginger root, aids digestion, regulates blood sugar, curbs hunger cravings, and enhances fat burning. Consuming it before meals with a touch of honey can control appetite, boost digestion, and provide additional health benefits.


Lemon Tea:

Another herbal tea for weight loss is Lemon tea. It is a herb traditionally used in Bangladeshi households for its calming effects. This herbal tea is an excellent choice if you are looking to reduce stress, which I have often seen, can lead to too much eating and weight gain.


Lemon tea is proven to reduce cortisol levels, a hormone associated with stress. When I suggest managing stress, I suggest having lemon tea which prevents stress-related weight gain and cravings. Its mild diuretic properties also help in reducing water retention.

So, what do I do with this herbal drink for weight loss? I keep a fresh slice of lemon and some leaves in hot water for about 5 minutes. The mild, lemony flavor can be enjoyed plain, or a touch of honey for sweetness can be added, too.

The preferred time to drink lemon tea is in the evening. This can promote relaxation and help in managing nighttime cravings.


Summary: Lemon tea, reduces stress and cortisol levels, helping to prevent stress-related weight gain and cravings. Consumed in the evening, it promotes relaxation, reduces water retention, and can be sweetened with honey for added flavor.

Hibiscus Tea: 

Hibiscus, known locally as “Roktojoba,” is a beautiful flower with a powerful herbal remedy. Hibiscus tea, made from the dried petals of the flower, possesses rich antioxidants. It is also traditionally used in various cultures for its medicinal properties.


Hibiscus tea contains compounds that ensure the absorption of carbohydrates and fats. This automatically aids in weight loss. Natural diuretics can also help reduce bloating. This is particularly beneficial in hot and humid climates like Bangladesh.


To make hibiscus tea, I boil the steep dried petals for 5-10 minutes. A teaspoon of honey can balance Its tart flavor. A squeeze of lemon can do the same. Drinking hibiscus tea before meals helps in reducing calorie intake by making me feel fuller.


Summary: Hibiscus tea, made from dried “Roktojoba” petals, is rich in antioxidants and aids weight loss by reducing carbohydrate and fat absorption. Consumed before meals, it helps reduce calorie intake, while its natural diuretic properties alleviate bloating.

Cinnamon Tea:

Cinnamon, or “Daruchini,” is a popular spice in Bangladeshi cooking. Cinnamon tea is made from the bark of the cinnamon tree, which offers a sweet and spicy flavor along with numerous health benefits, including weight loss.


Cinnamon tea contains lots of antioxidants, which are great compounds to help keep you healthy. Cinnamon provides powerful antidiabetic effects by lowering blood sugar levels. It acts like insulin, the hormone that sends sugar out of your bloodstream and into your tissues.

This is crucial for managing appetite and preventing cravings. By balancing insulin levels, cinnamon tea can help reduce fat storage and promote a healthy metabolism.


This is what I suggest: you can boil a cinnamon stick in water for around 10 minutes. The tea that results can be taken warm, and adding a bit of honey enhances the taste. I recommend drinking it in the morning to help boost your metabolism and maintain energy levels throughout the day.


Summary: Cinnamon tea, made from “Daruchini” bark, aids weight loss by lowering blood sugar levels and reducing fat storage. Consumed warm with honey in the morning, it boosts metabolism, curbs cravings, and promotes a healthy metabolism.

NJ’s Assistance to Weight Loss

Incorporating herbal teas into your daily routine can be a simple yet effective strategy for weight loss. However, you would need to add a proper workout routine to it as well. Also, you would need to maintain proper, customized meal plans for healthy living and weight loss.  


You can check out my channel on YouTube > https://www.youtube.com/@NJEatAndFit to learn ways of keeping yourself fit and losing weight. 


You can also enroll in NJ Eat & Fit’s Weight Loss Program as an alternative. 


To Sum Up

Each of the five herbal teas mentioned above offers substantial health benefits that can add to a balanced diet and regular workouts. In a country like Bangladesh, where traditional herbs and natural remedies are deeply rooted, these herbal teas offer a natural and accessible way to support weight loss management.

By choosing the right tea and using it in a holistic approach one can achieve and maintain their weight loss goals in a healthy and sustainable manner.

If you need further assistance with weight loss, contact NJ Eat & Fit for expert advice.


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