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My programs

My Fitness Program is a personalized fitness journey that helps you reach your fitness goals. I personalize your workouts to fit your specific needs and goals and provide you with the support you need to stay motivated.

12 Weeks Weight Loss

People with a BMI range above 25-29 need this program. The progress depends on the health condition of the client.

Fatloss Program

In this program, I focus on developing our clients' LBM (Lean Body Mass). People whose BMI range is equal to 18-24 are the right fit for this.

Online Monthly Consultation

I provide proper guidelines such as healthy meal plans and workout plans according to the client's goals and needs. I try to solve their health issues.

Pregnancy Fitness Program

I assure healthy food plans for the mother during each trimester and set up the ideal exercises for them with the doctor's concern, which allows them to have a normal delivery of the baby.

Corporate Group Well-Being

This program is designed to guide a group of corporate people. Here I ensure a healthy lifestyle, meal plan, exercise, and consultancy for them. The size of the group can be 10-15 employees.

Weight Gain Program

People whose BMI range is below 18.5 are the right fit for this program. I help them to gain weight and build muscles. I design (1800-2200) calorie meal plans, weight gaining exercises for them.

Benefits of the Fitness Program

Weight Management

Reduce Your Health Risk

Strengthen Bones and Muscles

Makes feel more productive

Increase Chances of Living Longer

Reduces risk of chronic disease

Promotes quality sleep

Helps fight depression

Improves skin

Makes you feel happier

Ready to look better, feel better,
and perform at your very best?

Build Successful Workout Programs

Understand Your Client


Choose Rep Range


Decide on a Warm-Up Routine

Choose the Exercises

Don't Forget About Cardio

Review and Tweak

Discover how it’s working with our clients to improve their Health & Fitness!

If you want to take your fitness to the next level, you must need someone to guide you. You may find many resources or products floating around the internet to get fit or lose weight in no time like magic. But is it that easy?

Losing weight or transforming your shape is one of the hardest parts of fitness. It’s a long journey of diligence, consistency, and willpower.

To guide you through this ride, NJ Eat & Fit is here to develop customized workout and diet plans based on your present health condition. The result you can see on the left is our amazing clients.

NJ will also take care of your mental health along with your physical health for developing your lifestyle.

Frequently Asked Question

I offer training sessions to suit your needs and goals, both online and offline. The cost of our training sessions varies depending on the type of program you choose and its duration.

Yes, I offer personal fitness training services at our studio. I offer fitness programm both offline and online.

Highly skilled trainer have the knowledge to design effective workouts using minimal equipment, like dumbbells, to help you build muscle strength, endurance, and flexibility.

Weight loss programm focuses on losing weight in a healthy and sustainable way. On the other hand, fat loss programm aims to specifically target and reduce body fat and also weight loss.

Course’s duration depend on different factor. Factors such as your health condition and willpower can certainly impact your ability to complete a course, You can contact us to know which course will suit you best..

Yes, I provide customized meal plans based on specific needs and goals. Diet plan will be provided every month.

Yes, of course. All courses are specifically designed for a particular health condition. This can help ensure that the course is safe and appropriate for your individual needs.

No, You don’t need any previous experience to to participate in training programs.

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