Looking for Fitness Program to
Pair with NJ Eat and Fit?

The path to fitness success is different for everyone, but the key is to find a program that you enjoy and that helps you make progress. Take a look at our list of free fitness courses to get started.

I’m a certified female fitness trainer with 5+ years of experience. Through personalized training and diet plans, I’ve helped over 50 clients achieve their weight loss and fitness goals. I founded ‘NJ Eat and Fit’ to help newbies kick-start their fitness journey and turn it into a fun experience.

Naharay Jannat

ISSA Certified Fitness Trainer & Nutrition Coach

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Online Fitness Plan

This fitness program is intended for people weighing 100 kg or more. It provides customized workout routines, nutrition information, and goal setting to help you achieve long-term weight loss and a healthier lifestyle.

By - Naharay Jannat

Discover how it’s working with my clients to improve their Health & Fitness!

If you want to take your fitness to the next level, you must need someone to guide you. You may find many resources or products floating around the internet to get fit or lose weight in no time like magic. But is it that easy?

Losing weight or transforming your shape is one of the hardest parts of fitness. It’s a long journey of diligence, consistency, and willpower.

To guide you through this ride, NJ Eat & Fit is here to develop customized workout and diet plans based on your present health condition. The result you can see on the left is our amazing clients.

NJ will also take care of your mental health along with your physical health for developing your lifestyle.