Case Study

Media that appreciated my work

Name: Rumana Afsana

Age: 34
Height: 5’3
Before Weight: 88 Kg
After Weight: 75 Kg
Total loss: 13 kg


Initially unaware of the issues resulting from being overweight, she faced hormonal imbalances, infertility, allergies, and memory problems. However, with 20 weeks of fitness training and a healthy diet, she was able to overcome these problems and achieve increased physical strength, focus, memory, and skin radiance. Her body fitness and LBM improved, while extra body fat was reduced.

Dr. Syeda Sonia Rahman

Age: 35
Height: 5’3
Before Weight: 70+ Kg
After Weight: 54 Kg
Total loss: 16 kg

One of our Finest clients Dr. Syeda Sonia Rahman is a gynecologist by profession. I am proud to have had the privilege of working with Dr. Syeda Sonia Rahman, a gynecologist, on her fitness journey. Her success is a result of her extraordinary punctuality and changing mindset, as well as my tireless efforts for her. Though she started her fitness journey in early 2020, she continues to work with me to complete her weight loss program.

Mashruba Maisha

Age: 18
Height: 5’4
Before Weight: 74 Kg
After Weight: 64 Kg
Total loss: 10 kg

Mashruba Maisha has been making remarkable progress in her weight loss journey with me since January. Despite facing some hormonal issues and having irregular periods, she has lost 10kg weight and experienced good fat loss in 10 months. I helped her overcome her health issues and improve her stamina. Her body fat% is decreasing, and her period has become regular now without medication. Maisha is going through a beautiful transformation with me.

Halima Afsana

Age: 36
Height: 5’3
Before Weight: 95 Kg
After Weight: 65 Kg
Total loss: 30 kg

I am not just focused on weight loss but also ensure the complete wellness of clients. Halima Afsana Ma’am achieved not only weight loss but also 100% recovery from back, neck, and ankle pain. Her body fat percentage reduced from 35% to 15%. She also made progress in post-pregnancy weight gain.

Munmun Begum

Age: 38
Height: 5’3
Before Weight: 75 Kg
After Weight: 65 Kg
Total loss: 10 kg

I am thrilled to share the success story of my client, Munmun Begum, who embarked on a weight loss journey with me 12 weeks ago, weighing 75 kg. Through her hard work, determination, and guidance, she has successfully lost 10 kg. I am immensely proud of Munmun Begum and wish her a healthy and peaceful life ahead. Her journey can inspire and motivate others who may be struggling with obesity or other health issues.

Taznuva Halim Tuly

Age: 34
Height: 5’4
Before Weight: 82 Kg
After Weight: 69 Kg
Total loss: 13 kg

I am thrilled to see the remarkable progress of Taznuva Halim Tuly and her inspiring dedication toward her fitness goals. It is an honor to have her as my client and I commend her for her hard work and determination. Tuly’s success is a testament to the fact that with the right mindset, motivation, and support, anyone can achieve their fitness goals. I will always be there to support and guide my clients toward a healthy and happy life.

Nusrat Jahan

Age: 35
Height: 5’2
Before Weight: 76 Kg
After Weight: 60 Kg
Total loss: 16 kg

Nusrat Jahan had faced challenges with weight loss and health issues due to her pregnancy and incorrect diet. After experiencing a minor stroke and numbness in her mouth, she sought my help of me and I guided her toward a healthy and balanced diet plan coupled with a proper workout. With dedication and willpower, Nusrat Jahan was able to overcome problems such as visceral fat, slow period flow, and slow metabolism rate. Today, she is living a healthy and normal life.

Farzana Eva

Age: 35
Height: 5’3
Before Weight: 83 Kg
After Weight: 79 Kg
Total loss: 4 kg

My client shared her progress with me, stating that she has lost 4kg within a month under my close supervision. She is following a weight loss and fitness program and is feeling great about her progress. Let’s congratulate and support her on her journey toward a healthier and happier life.

Mamata Shahin

Age: 48
Height: 5’3
Before Weight: 68 Kg
After Weight: 60 Kg
Total loss: 8 kg

Mamata Shahin, a 45+ physician with chronic back pain and heart disease found me. I not only provide effective diet and fitness solutions but also had great motivational skills. The physician is now 95% free from back pain, with controlled heart disease, and has lost 6kgs. Feeling more energetic, euphoric, and enthusiastic, the physician sends love and good wishes to me.

Ayesha Siddika

Age: 28
Height: 5’2
Before Weight: 73 Kg
After Weight: 58 Kg
Total loss: 15 kg

Mamata Shahin, a 45+ physician with chronic back pain and heart disease found me. I not only provide effective diet and fitness solutions but also had great motivational skills. The physician is now 95% free from back pain, with controlled heart disease, and has lost 6kgs. Feeling more energetic, euphoric, and enthusiastic, the physician sends love and good wishes to me.

Emrazina Islam

Age: 35
Height: 5’3
Program: pregnancy Nutrition program

After her first baby, she struggled with postpartum depression. It affected her energy, relationships, career, and daily life. She felt lost. But then she found me while pregnant again. I helped to change her. Her second pregnancy was better, she’s confident now, handling work, kids, and life.  I provided her advice on food, exercise, and counseling. 

Nishath Quamrul

Age: 32
Height: 5’3
Before Weight: 86.35 Kg
After Weight: 83.8 Kg

She started her journey with me 5 months ago. With a busy work schedule and little or no time for herself, her eating and workout habits were absolutely terrible to say the least. With the help of my daily counselling, I gradually built up a workout routine and guided her on her food journey. She feels like she has been able to draw a new equation with food and lead a healthy lifestyle. She has had gradual weight loss, shed some inches, but the most important thing she has been able to overcome is her relationship with food. I hope she can keep this going for herself. I offer flexibility, and she is understanding and compassionate. Just the right voice you need for yourself to kick start a healthy lifestyle.

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Rhidyka Rahman

Age: 35
Height: 5’3
Program: pregnancy Nutrition program

During her pregnancy, she faced a difficult period in which maintaining good health became increasingly difficult. This struggle harmed both her physical and mental health, which in turn harmed the health of her unborn child. She experienced a remarkable transformation. Her mental and physical health significantly improved and became sustainable. My professional assistance reduced her unpredictable mood swings and overcoming depression during this critical period of her life.


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