Achieving Goals Together: How My Fitness Training Changed Lives

Sometimes, out of necessity, you choose a path that changes your life forever. The path may be something you never thought of before. But once you do, it determines your purpose in life and your career. 

Hello. I’m Nahray Jannat (in short, NJ). I founded NJ Eat and Fit which helps individuals achieve their fitness goals through customized workout plans and nutrition consultations.


But why did I, in this rather conservative Bangladeshi society, choose this path of advocating fitness and wellbeing among other options?


Because, fitness is not merely about physical strength. Rather, it’s a journey to help one attain a healthier and happier self. Fitness, as a form of goal,  empowers you to break the chains that hold you back from enhancing both mental and physical growth resilience. So, what else can be a great way to help people, especially ladies, than encouraging them to be fit?


To date, NJ Eat & Fit has successfully altered the lives of 50+ bodies and lifestyles since my endeavor started. Here, I share my journey as a personal fitness trainer and how I help newbies kick-start their fitness journey effectively and engagingly. 

The Personal Trainer’s Transformation

There was a time when I weighed 95 kgs following my pregnancy. Weighing 60 kgs during my early marriage days, this came as a shock to me. Being a student of Home Economics, I had a good grasp of nutrition and diet. But, I never thought it would be so difficult to recover and maintain a fitness regime. 


Being part of a conservative society like Bangladesh did not help either. With almost no support from anyone in my endeavor to improve my health and fitness, I started my journey against all odds. And the transformation was not easy.


I was a corporate media person before 2013. Interestingly, I was making sufficient money to support a luxurious lifestyle and travel around the world. But something felt wrong. Despite having so much, I was unhappy. And I realized it was my weight and unhealthy body condition. 


So, without further ado, I took the initiative to improve myself – physically, mentally, and emotionally. I began the journey to change my lifestyle through control and discipline. 

ISSA – what started it all

My training at ISSA, USA began my transformation journey to what I am today. Attaining a foreign certification on fitness and fitness training gave me a new perspective on life and equipped me with global, trendy skills needed to improve my fitness and help serve clients who needed to improve their health. And of course, my personal fitness practice and routine were also present. 

NJ Eat & Fit Starts

Utilizing my knowledge and practice, I initiated NJ Eat & Fit in 2015. I felt the need to promote personal fitness training, appropriate diet, and regular exercise to everyone as well. My organization especially works with women from various walks of life to help them improve their fitness and develop healthy living. We offer numerous fitness programs to our clients that are safe and customized to their needs. 



I’ve always believed that if I know something useful and applicable to improving the lives of people, I should help spread the word. Especially if it improves the lives of women. And out of this belief, I started NJ Eat & Fit. 

The Role of a Personal Fitness Trainer

I dedicate myself to helping clients achieve their weight loss and personal fitness goals through a personalized approach that includes customized training programs and nutritional counseling. My approach incorporates holistic methods, taking into account both physical and mental well-being. I work with clients to develop healthy habits and stress management strategies that support long-term wellness. Working with me will help you reach your fitness goals in unique and effective ways.


As I have foreign training and over seven years of experience, my clients witnessed excellent body transformations and their smiling faces motivated my team and me to dive deep into the country’s fitness industry. Our 10,000+ sessions and counting prove it. 


We are one way or the other a bit different from each other. So, we all need to be heard one-to-one when it comes to our fitness goals and wellbeing. 


Considering my clients’ health conditions and other metrics, I develop workout and nutrition plans to achieve their fitness goals. I try my best to ensure my clients follow and maintain the suggested routines to help them achieve their fitness goals.


My team and I can also benefit you with Online training services that feature practical instruction and proven workout processes. These can help you drive toward better results and go in shape. These cost-effective programs can open the right path for your next-level fitness journey.


Above all, NJ Eat & Fit not only focuses on physical health but it also values mental health with equal importance. With proper motivation and counseling sessions, I can improve your mental health which will have an impactful positivity in your life.


To guide you through this ride, NJ Eat & Fit offers a unique approach. We customize workout plans and diet plans based on your present health condition. We believe in one-to-one counseling. Also, we encourage you to focus on your food and diet also, not only exercising. 

Changing Lives Through Fitness

Following are some of my success stories to help you understand my progress so far:

Rumana Afsana

Age: 34
Height: 5’3
Before Weight: 88 Kg
After Weight: 75 Kg
Total loss: 13 kg


Initially unaware of the issues resulting from being overweight, she faced hormonal imbalances, infertility, allergies, and memory problems. However, with 20 weeks of fitness training and a healthy diet, she was able to overcome these problems and achieve increased physical strength, focus, memory, and skin radiance. Her body fitness and LBM improved, while her extra body fat was reduced.

Mashruba Maisha

Age: 18
Height: 5’4
Before Weight: 74 Kg
After Weight: 64 Kg
Total loss: 10 kg


Mashruba Maisha has been making remarkable progress on her weight loss journey with me since January. Despite facing some hormonal issues and having irregular periods, she has lost 10kg of weight and experienced good fat loss in 10 months. I helped her overcome her health issues and improve her stamina. Her body fat% is decreasing, and her period has become regular now without medication. Maisha is going through a beautiful transformation with me.

Nusrat Jahan

Age: 35
Height: 5’2
Before Weight: 76 Kg
After Weight: 60 Kg
Total loss: 16 kg


Nusrat Jahan had faced challenges with weight loss and health issues due to her pregnancy and an incorrect diet. After experiencing a minor stroke and numbness in her mouth, she sought my help and I guided her toward a healthy and balanced diet plan coupled with a proper workout. With dedication and willpower, Nusrat Jahan was able to overcome problems such as visceral fat, slow period flow, and slow metabolism rate. Today, she lives a healthy and normal life.

Setting and Achieving Goals

Like any purposeful activity, goal setting in fitness directs you with a purpose, helping you to track progress. By setting clear, measurable, and attainable goals, you can stay motivated and focused on your desired fitness change. 


As a certified and experienced personal trainer, I go over your medical and life history thoroughly before suggesting anything to you. For any client, I offer customized meal and exercise plans or suggest a package that suits them best. 


From understanding my clients to structuring their training and eating regimen effectively, I help them track their progress, ensuring they do not deviate from the fitness journey and adjust when needed. And in doing this, I keep them motivated and invested in the fitness journey. 

Overcoming challenges

It is true that my clients, especially female clients face many problems and challenges in their fitness journey. 


For Bangladeshi females, enrolling in a fitness program itself can be challenging as traditional stereotypes persist today against it. Many are also unaware of the personal training facilities that NJ Eat & Fit offers. 


Also, there may be medical conditions or physical difficulties that clients have that hinder them from pursuing fitness training.

In addition, ignorance of proper diet also hinders clients’ fitness journey. 


So, how do I help my clients overcome their struggles? Simple. 


I consult with them, analyze their problems and chart out their routines. And, through online, I offer them free calls and limited time consulting sessions for both the parties to know each other. Also, virtual fitness programs and my online videos boost the interest of female trainees in working with me. And through NJ Eat & Fit, I offer course packages targeting various groups of people that meet their needs. 

Holistic Health and Wellness

To be holistically well, you need to develop habits that boost both your mental and physical wellbeing. Just exercising will not solve your inner, mental traumas. Neither would it solve your bodily drawbacks if you do not eat well. 

The role of nutrition and lifestyle choices in fitness and health is multifaceted. 


You need to have, at minimum, ensured the following:


  1. A balanced diet: Your diet should include the three main food groups—carbohydrates, proteins, and fats-in the right proportions daily. 

  2. Keep your mood boosted: trying to keep yourself happy always helps you to remain fit and healthy. 

  3. Proper sleep: Sleep affects your overall health. Insufficient sleep (too much or too less) disrupts your lifestyle and negatively impacts your stress level, weight gain and immune system overall. 

  4. Regular physical activities: unless you are badly injured or ill, you should always do some sort of exercise, aerobic or anaerobic. This keeps your metabolism in check. 


NJ Eat & Fit ensures you are maintaining all of these. Because all these factors work in sync to keep you holistically well. 

To Sum Up

As a sufferer of overweightness myself, I understand the pain and frustration we go through. 

That is why NJ Eat & Fit envisions helping people ensure holistic health and wellness through customized meal and exercise plans, as well as world-class support and guidance. As a personal fitness trainer,I sett clear, measurable, and attainable goals, and help my clients fight the challenges of traditional stereotypes and other conditions to change their lives 

I welcome you to join me in this endeavor and journey to holistic wellness that I have learned in my life and career. 
