8 Low-Impact Workouts for Weight Loss and Boosting Your Metabolism

Low-impact workouts are exercises that put less stress on the joints and muscles, making them an excellent option for those who want to avoid high-impact activities like running or jumping.


These workouts can be highly effective for weight loss and boosting metabolism, especially when done consistently and properly. 


Whether you’re a beginner, recovering from an injury, or simply looking for a gentler exercise routine, low-impact workouts offer a great way to stay fit and healthy. 


Hi, I am Naharay Jannat, an ISSA-certified personal fitness coach. I run NJ Eat and Fit, a brand synonymous with helping women in Bangladesh remain fit and healthy. 


In this article, I will guide you through 8 low-impact workouts that will help you lose weight and rev up your metabolism. So let us begin. 


Comparing Low-Impact and High-Impact Workouts

Both low-impact and high-impact workouts are vital in achieving specific fitness goals, and each type can complement the other to enhance overall fitness.


Identifying which one suits your needs and objectives is key to creating a workout regimen that will lead you to success.


You can check out my firm’s programs including both high and low-impact workouts to lose weight. 


Low-impact workouts are gentle on the joints and involve smooth, controlled movements. Popular examples of low-impact workouts include walking, swimming, cycling, and yoga.


Such exercises are excellent for individuals recovering from an injury or a lady who is pregnant. This is because these exercises allow the body to stay active without excessive strain.


In contrast, high-impact exercises, such as running, plyometrics, and high-intensity interval training (HIIT), tend to place more stress on the joints and may increase the risk of injury. 


While high-impact workouts can be highly effective for building strength and endurance, it’s important to approach them carefully. If you’re uncertain about how to start, consulting a certified personal trainer like me or my brand NJ Eat & Fit may well be the right way forward.


We can guide how to safely incorporate high-impact movements into your exercise routine, depending on your medical condition and needs. 


Let’s now take a look at eight low-impact activities to lose weight and boost metabolism. 


Walking is the most straightforward and accessible form of exercise, making it a perfect choice for people of all fitness levels. Through walking we can burn calories, improve cardiovascular health, and enhance overall well-being. 

I would suggest walking at a brisk pace as it increases your heart rate. This in turn helps boost your metabolism.


How to Do It:  

I suggest you go for at least 30 – 45 minutes of brisk walking 4 – 5 days of the week. Make sure to Incorporate interval walking by alternating between a brisk pace and a slower pace and also taking some breaks. 


When you feel it’s time to increase intensity, use the incline feature on a treadmill or find a hilly route for that.



Swimming is a full-body workout that engages multiple muscle groups without putting stress on the joints.


It increases heart rate, enhances muscle tone, and burns a significant amount of calories. The resistance of water adds an extra challenge, helping to improve endurance and metabolism.

How to Do It:  

I recommend swimming laps for 30-60 minutes, using various strokes like freestyle, breaststroke, and backstroke. You can check out various videos online to learn how these styles work. 


You can also try out water aerobics or water jogging if traditional swimming isn’t your thing.


As your fitness improves, gradually increase the duration and intensity of your swimming sessions. This would help boost your metabolism. 



Whether outdoors or on a stationary bike at a gym, cycling is an excellent low-impact workout. It helps improve cardiovascular health, strengthens leg muscles, and aids in weight loss. 

 It can burn a significant number of calories depending on the speed and resistance level, thus boosting metabolism. 


I read in a Harvard University study, that a 155-pound (70.3 kg) person biking outdoors at a moderate pace of 12–13.9 mph (19.3–22.4 km per hour) for 30 minutes may burn about 298 calories.


If they are cycling at 20 mph (32.2 km per hour) or more, they may burn about 614 calories or more.

How to Do It:  

You can begin with 20-30 minute sessions, three to four times a week. I would recommend using a stationary bike for controlled workouts and to adjust resistance easily.


If you prefer outdoor cycling, choose a safe and smooth route with minimal traffic and use proper safety gear.



Through combining physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation, Yoga provides a holistic workout that benefits both the body and mind. It helps improve flexibility, balance, and strength while reducing stress. 

 There are particular types of yoga, such as Vinyasa or Power Yoga, that can elevate the heart rate, promoting weight loss and metabolism enhancement. I highly recommend yoga for those of you who are pregnant. 


How to Do It:  

Start your yoga with a beginner-friendly class or online tutorial to learn the basic poses and techniques. You can check my video on this to enhance your practice of it. 


Practice for 30-60 minutes each day, focusing on flowing movements and deep breathing. Gradually, you can add more challenging poses to build strength and increase the intensity of the workout.



Pilates focuses on core strength, stability, and overall body conditioning. It involves controlled movements that enhance muscle tone, improve posture, and increase flexibility. 

Pilates workouts can help in burning calories and boosting metabolism by engaging multiple muscle groups simultaneously. It is a low-impact strength training that focuses on improving muscle tone rather than building it. 


How to Do It:  

I suggest you start with a beginner class or video to learn the foundational exercises. Once you are acquainted with the basics of the exercise, perform it two to three times a week for 30-45 minutes.


You can use equipment like resistance bands or Pilates reformers to add variety and challenge.


Elliptical Training

What makes Elliptical machines so effective is that they provide a low-impact cardiovascular workout that mimics the natural movement of running without the stress on joints. 

Using an elliptical helps burn calories, improves cardiovascular health, and engages both upper and lower body muscles. This further aids in metabolism enhancement.

How to Do It:  

I prefer beginning this exercise with 15-20 minutes on the elliptical, gradually increasing to 30-45 minutes. You can try varying resistance levels and incline settings to challenge different muscle groups.


But when you are doing it, maintain proper posture and use the machine’s handles to engage the upper body.


Tai Chi

Tai Chi is a martial arts form that is based on slow, deliberate movements, balance, and deep breathing. It is well-known for its stress-relieving benefits and the ability to improve coordination, flexibility, and muscle strength. 

If you regularly practice Tai Chi, you can burn calories and boost your metabolic rates over time. Studies show that an average person burns 225-275 calories per hour with Tai Chi workouts.


How to Do It:  

I recommend you join a Tai Chi class or follow along with online videos to learn the basic forms and sequences. You can practice Tai Chi for 20-30 minutes daily, focusing on smooth, controlled movements.


In fact, in 2021 multiple studies concluded that tai chi may help to improve exercise capacity, lung function, and quality of life in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)



If you enjoy rowing on a boat, you would love this low-impact exercise. If you don’t, then let me inform you that  Rowing is a full-body workout that targets the legs, back, core, and arms.


It offers a high-calorie burn without the impact on joints, making it a great choice for those looking to lose weight and boost their metabolism. 


Rowing also improves cardiovascular fitness and muscular endurance.


How to Do It:  

You can try using a rowing machine at the gym or spend some amount on a home rowing machine. Trust me, it would be worth it. Start with 10-15 minutes of rowing, gradually increasing to 30 minutes or more.

Finally, focus on maintaining proper form to prevent injury and maximize the workout’s effectiveness.


Tips for Maximizing Low-Impact Workouts

Stay Consistent: Aim for regular exercise, ideally 4-5 times per week, to see the best results in weight loss and metabolic boost.


Incorporate Variety: Mixing different types of low-impact exercises can keep your routine interesting and work for different muscle groups.


Listen to Your Body: If you feel pain or discomfort, modify the exercise or take a break to prevent injury.


Fuel Your Body: A balanced diet rich in protein, healthy fats, and whole grains will support your workouts and help to achieve your fitness goals.


Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water before, during, and after your workouts to stay hydrated and support metabolic processes. Learn how to beat the heat despite workouts. 


Above all, remember to maintain the right customized meal that suits your needs and workout regime. You can check out my YouTube channel to learn about the right types of meals for a fit and healthy body.  

Summing Up

Low-impact workouts are a fantastic way to stay active, lose weight, and boost metabolism without the strain that high-impact exercises can put on the body.

By including these eight low-impact workouts into your fitness routine, you can enjoy a healthier, more active lifestyle that supports your weight loss goals and overall well-being.


Remember, consistency is key, and it’s important to choose activities that you enjoy and that fit your personal fitness level and preferences.


For more help in this matter, you can reach out to me to enroll in our fitness programs or contact me through my Facebook or LinkedIn pages


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